Middle East

Israel at War

Around 6:30 on the morning of October 7th, almost exactly to the day of the 50th anniversary of the 1973 October War, Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from Gaza. Hamas launched thousands of


Killing the Iran Nuclear Deal

Despite no approval from any of the other signatories of the Iran nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (J.C.P.O.A.), President Trump on Tuesday announced the United States is leaving the

Middle East

U.S. and Allies Bomb Syria

On Friday evening, Washington D.C. time, the United States along with the United Kingdom and France launched a missile strike on Syria in response to the recent chemical weapons attacks in Douma.  The missile attack

Middle East

The Civil War in Syria

The conflict in Syria has heated up over the past two months as the civil war enters its seventh year.  It is estimated that 400,000 people have been killed in the conflict which has displaced

Middle East

Sisi and the Death of the Arab Spring

When the polls closed last Wednesday after three days of voting in Egypt’s presidential election there was no doubt who the winner would be.  Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi had systematically removed all major opponents to reelection bid